Please read through the FAQ section to find answers to our most typically asked questions!
Do you offer meet and greets?
Dr. Makrides, ND currently offers a free 15-minute meet and greet to see if you are the right fit for one another. No medical history and/or information will be discussed during this time.
What does a Naturopathic Doctor who focuses on Men's Mental Health do?
They are a healthcare practitioner who utilizes natural therapies to support optimal brain function and health. They strive to identify the root cause of mental disturbances and use natural therapies to promote mental healing and cognitive functioning.
Do you treat children?
At this time, Dr Makrides, ND does not treat pediatric populations. A referral will be made when necessary.
How long will it take to see results?
Individualized medicine is at the core of Dr. Makrides' practice. As such, everybody is different, and results will vary depending on each case and your ability to follow the protocol. Generally speaking, patients will begin to feel better in about 3-6months, assuming adherence to the recommended protocol
Are virtual appointments available?
Yes, virtual appointments are available for all new and existing patients in Ontario. You must be situated in Ontario during the appointment.
What does Dr. Makrides, ND treat?
Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks, OCD, Insomnia, Trauma
Relationship Difficulties, Adjustment to Life Events, Stress
PTSD, Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anger issues
Optimal aging, Biohacking, & Longevity
Metabolic Syndrome (blood sugar, cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity)
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
​Dr. Makrides may also make an appropriate referral to other healthcare practitioners, when necessary.
What types of treatments do Naturopathic Doctors utilize for addressing mental health?
Treatments include: supplements, nutritional education, lifestyle counselling, herbal medicine, and acupuncture.
Can naturopathic treatments be used in conjunction with medications?
Absolutely - Your Naturopathic Doctor will create a protocol that compliments any medications you are currently taking.
Are Naturopathic Doctor visits covered by OHIP?
Naturopathic Doctor visits are not covered by OHIP, but a lot of insurance companies have coverage for these visits. Please check with your insurance provider to find out about your coverage.